I am an architectural designer, researcher, and occasional writer based in Tiohti:áke (Montréal), Canada.

I am interested in storytelling and imagemaking as a diasporic process of rebuilding—particularly of the inaccessible, the non-existent, or the no-longer-existent architectures inherited through a collective memory.

Within my variable works, I see a reciprocal relationship between the politics of spatial design, the speculations of visual representation, the ethnography of research, and the intimacy of writing. I am always looking to collaborate on new projects that keep me alternating between these spaces and values.

Feel free to reach out, I would love to chat:  zaventitizian[at]gmail[dot]com









    ︎︎︎ States of Disassembly

Designed an fabricated for the first annual Seould Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, States of Disassembly proposes seven architectural types which test new programmatic pairings and leverage trends of reuse, repair, education, and entertainment in respect to the electronic-waste stream.

During a project-specific internship at Lateral Office, I was tasked with designing one of seven conceptual e-waste commons: the Theatre of Disassembly. The final design was imagined as an assemblage of theatres under one roof that would host hacking battles, disassembly events, and demo classes. A series of catwalks invite visitors to wander from one raised performance space to the next while the ground-level remains an active space dedicated to the stewards of e-waste who disassemble, construct, and repurpose it.

In addition to the design, I was also involved in the digital fabrication and assembly of the seven physical models. Motherboards, processors, CD-drives, and heat sinks were scavenged, disassembled, measured, drawn, and integrated into our digital models—leading to unexpected discoveries in architectural form and use.


© Zaven Titizian 2023

© Zaven Titizian 2023