I am an architectural designer, researcher, and occasional writer based in Tiohti:áke (Montréal), Canada.

I am interested in storytelling and imagemaking as a diasporic process of rebuilding—particularly of the inaccessible, the non-existent, or the no-longer-existent architectures inherited through a collective memory.

Within my variable works, I see a reciprocal relationship between the politics of spatial design, the speculations of visual representation, the ethnography of research, and the intimacy of writing. I am always looking to collaborate on new projects that keep me alternating between these spaces and values.

Feel free to reach out, I would love to chat:  zaventitizian[at]gmail[dot]com









As one of five lead coordinators for the community exhibition Land Marks I was involved in the creation and management of a multi-week event which included public engagement, workshops, and a symposium. The theme of the exhibition centered around native plant species, Indigenous land practices, food security, and urban growth.

The project was undertaken through the student group BRIDGE: Centre for Architecture and Design alongside Jade Manbodh, Zach Ropel-Morski, Kate Brownlie, Nicole Rak and was funded by the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Quebec, the Ontario Association of Architects, and Cambridge Art Galleries.

While the project intent and scope inevitibly shifted during the pandemic, the final project involved: [1] the commissioning and hosting of two practicing artists, Angela Marsh and Ioana Dragomir; [2] the coordination of a symposium featuring Mkomose (Dr. Andrew Judge), Angela Marsh, and Lisa Myers; [3] the moderating of a number of virtual community events; [4] the facilitation, acquisition, documentation, and installation of both community and commissioned artworks in two separate locations; [5] and the development of a graphic identity, web presence, tutorial videos, and social media content.

© Zaven Titizian 2023

© Zaven Titizian 2023